Friday 5s: Five Best Topwater Baits at Anglers Inn El Salto and Picachos For big bass

From the Expert Guides at Anglers Inn International
1. Prop Baits - Noisy topwater baits draw the attention of hungry bass or those that are irritated by the sound. Most popular this past season were the Berkley Choppo and River2Sea Whopper Popper. White is a strong color.
2. Chuggers/Poppers - These baits are fun to work and the explosion on the lure is truly heartstopping. Turn to the Berkley Bullet Pop, Lobino Rico, Rapala X-Rap or Booyah Boss Pop. Go with 4- and 5-inch lengths in shad color.
3. Walking Baits - Berkley J-Walker, Zara Spook, Lucky Craft Sammy are ideal “walking the dog” lures. Be ready for a strike at any time.
4. Buzzbaits and Spinner Baits - When worked on or near the surface these noisy baits attract a lot of attention. Vary retrieval speed to find the right pace.
5. Wakebaits - Also a subsurface bait, these can be used as a topwater and the wake attracts bass from far and wide looking for an easy meal.