The Anglers Inn Journal Vol. 2 Read Now!!!

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Friday 5s : Top Five Photo Tips for Anglers Inn Fishing Trips

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From Billy Chapman, Anglers Inn International Founder and Owner

1. Smile- Remember, you are having fun and catching fish is FUN.

2. Caps, Sunglasses and Gaiters - Your face is important: tip the cap back, remove the shades and slide the gaiter down.

3. Horizon - Sounds silly but make sure the horizon in the background is level. Position the sun behind the camera.

4. Action - Grip and grins are the meat and potatoes of the trip, but boating a fish, releasing a fish and other action shots add to the memory.

5. Side stories - Be on the lookout for added value pictures like great sunrises/sunsets, photo bombs, meals, happy hour and lodge shots.