The Anglers Inn Journal Vol. 2 Read Now!!!

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Packing for a Trip to Anglers Inn

Packing for a Trip to Anglers Inn

You will want to be prepared for your upcoming trip to Anglers Inn Lake Picachos or Lake El Salto. Fortunately, beyond your tackle prep (see below), this is not a labor-intensive effort. Our staff will wash, dry and fold your laundry every day, so you don’t need a huge supply of clothing. Be sure to bring the following:

·      Sun protective shirts

·      One pair long pants

·      Shorts

·      Tennis shoes

·      Sandals or flip-flops

·      Socks

·      Underwear

·      One baseball hat

·      One floppy hat

·      Neck gaiter and/or sun gloves

·      Sweatshirt or light jacket for morning boat runs

·      Light rain gear for sudden drizzles

·      Polarized Sunglasses (maybe a spare)

·      Tackle and reels

Also, remember, there are no sporting goods stores or department stores close to the lake. While we may be able to help you with a spare toothbrush or razor in case your luggage is lost, assume that what you bring is what you will have. That means you should keep prescription eyeglasses, medications and charging cords in your carry-on bag.  

Some of our guests make it down with just a carry-on, but since most of you will be bringing hooks and tools, you’ll want to check at least one bag for your tackle. Always keep a spare set of clothing in your carry-on in case the airline loses your luggage. The great news is that once you are on the ground in Mazatlán, you’ll never touch a bag again. Our team wants to emphasize that “Service is Our Focus” and that means you’ll never lift a finger again – except to land a fish or take a drink.